Tuesday, November 25, 2014

tefila cards: Elokai Neshama

This isn't homeschool at all.  The principal in the high school I teach at asked me to make up some cards for students to peruse if they finish davening and are bored.  Hopefully we'll get some artistic students to illustrate them.  I just made my first card and I'm proud of it.  So I'll share them here for your printing pleasure, if anyone wants to use them.  This one is for Elokai Neshama

馃挰Why “MY” God? (vs. “our”)

馃挰 What makes a neshama “pure” or “tahor”?
讗诇讛-讬 谞砖诪讛 砖谞转转 讘讬 讟讛讜专讛 讛讬讗
My God: The Neshama you put in me is tahor
馃挰 What is the difference between “create” and “form”?
讗转讛 讘专讗转讛,
讗转讛 讬爪专转讛
You created it
You formed it
馃挰 Hashem doesn’t breathe..
What’s the metaphor?
讗转讛 谞驻讞转讛 讘讬
You breathed it into me
馃挰 In what sense does Hashem guard our soul?
讜讗转讛 诪砖诪专讛 讘拽专讘讬
And You guard it inside of me
馃拃Pause to ponder your mortality
讜讗转讛 注转讬讚 诇讟诇讛 诪诪谞讬
And in the future You will take it away from me
馃檵 Ponder Techiyat HaMeitim (Resurrection of the Dead)
讜诇讛讞讝讬专讛 讘讬 诇注转讬讚 诇讘讜讗
And return it to me in the future

馃槏 Are you really?  
讻诇 讝诪谉 砖讛谞砖诪讛 讘拽专讘讬 诪讜讚讛 讗谞讬
The whole time that the Neshama is inside me I am thankful..

馃挰 What is a “master of all works”?
诇驻谞讬讱 讛' 讗诇讛-讬 讜讗诇讛- 讗讘讜转讬
专讘讜谉 讻诇 讛诪注砖讬诐
..before You Hashem my God and God of my fathers

Master of all works
馃挰 What does it mean to be Lord of all souls?
讗讚讜谉 讻诇 讛谞砖诪讜转.
Lord of all souls
Didn’t realize the ending was gruesome, did you?
Ponder Techiyat HaMeitim (Resurrection of the Dead) again
讘专讜讱 讗转讛 讛' 讛诪讞讝讬专 谞砖诪讜转 诇驻讙专讬诐 诪转讬诐
Blessed are You Hashem

Who returns souls to dead corpses

How does this set the tone for your day?

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