Thursday, August 30, 2018

Yamim Noraim Davening

I thought this was going to be an exciting landmark year for me where I get to be in shul the whole time.  The littles are finally old enough to run around and play and take care of themselves!

But I overlooked the need to give my teen a meaningful yom tov.  What to do with a teen who is inclined against davening?

I'm thinking about Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur separately.  Rosh Hashana she agreed to come hear shofar.  (I just paused to message her the Rambam on shofar, which I'm sure I've taught her in the past.)  I'd like her to read and think about some of the musaf, but odds are unless it comes up as a discussion, she will not be inclined to read the machzor.  This is one of those times that the more my mind is engaged in the themes of Rosh Hashana, the more likely that there will conversations with my children about it.

For Yom Kippur, I asked her what she'd like her Yom Kipput to look like.  She mostly evaded the question but did mention a song that she likes to hear in shul.  So we will try to figure out around what time that will occur.  We still have to think about a way to make the day pass in some sort of not painful and possibly meaningful manner.  This may mean me just going to shul for shacharis and spending a great deal of the day in conversation with her.

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